May you assist with syntax for longitudinal data.

1. Within each record "personid" I would like to compute "total episodes of homes in each year", where each record is a unique episode = "tot_episode_YEAR"

2. I also would like to compute the total number of unique home types for each individual in each year: 2015;2016 etc = "tot_home_type" and values appear in each row of data. This is based on "home_type"

See below the final output and variables:
personid date_episode home_type tot_episode_YEAR tot_home_type
1 4-Nov-15 rough 2 1
1 20-Nov-15 rough 2 1
1 23-Feb-16 transit 3 2
1 23-May-16 episodic 3 2
1 6-Nov-16 transit 3 2
1 10-Mar-17 private 4 4
1 6-Jun-17 rough 4 4
1 9-Aug-17 transit 4 4
1 15-Dec-17 private 4 4
2 6-Jun-15 transit 2 2
2 8-May-15 private 2 2
2 6-Nov-16 rough 1 1