Dear All

I have conducted a choice experiment on eco - labels and now need to estimate a logit model to estimate utilities for the specific attributes and attribute levels.

I have four attributes each with different levels for each attribute. Each respondent was given four options to choose from with the fourth option given as a none option. Each respondent completed 8 choice tasks. All the attributes for the choice tasks were randomly interacted so it is not the case that all the choice tasks are the same for all individuals.

I am now having trouble deciding which logit model to use: clogit asclogit or mixed logit.

Below I have inserted a picture of what my data looks like. I have tried to run the code asclogit Choice i.Countryoforigin i.HarvestMethod i.SustainabilityLabel Price, case(Case) alternative(Option) vce (cluster Person) basealternative(4) however this does not work.

Can someone please give me some advice on how to proceed. Many thanks
