
I'm having an unusual problem I can't seem to resolve. I'm running three logits and want to present several results as odds ratios rather than coefficients (it's going to a clinical journal). For tables, not problem - esttab works just fine with the `eform' option. But, I also want to graph it using `coefplot' and I'm getting an unusual thing: my odds ratio point estimates are not centered in my 95% confidence intervals for the graph, though they obviously are when calculating the upper and lower bounds of the CI. Does anyone have a suggestion as to why this is happening?

David Bradford

My code is:

local v="opioid";
logit any_exclusion l.any_`v'_dol l2.any_`v'_dol l3.any_`v'_dol $xvars st_*, vce(cluster fips);
estimates store `v'_any_dola;

logit any_exclusion l.any_`v'_dol l2.any_`v'_dol l3.any_`v'_dol $xvars st_* if metro==1, vce(cluster fips);
estimates store `v'_any_dolm;

logit any_exclusion l.any_`v'_dol l2.any_`v'_dol l3.any_`v'_dol $xvars st_* if urban==1, vce(cluster fips);
estimates store `v'_any_dolu;

estimates restore opioid_any_dolm;
estimates store Metro;
estimates restore opioid_any_dolu;
estimates store Urban;
estimates restore opioid_any_dola;
estimates store All;
coefplot (All, mcolor(black) ciopts(lcolor(black) recast(rcap)) ) ||
(Metro, mcolor(black) ciopts(lcolor(black) recast(rcap)) ) ||
(Urban, mcolor(black) ciopts(lcolor(black) recast(rcap)) )
keep(L.any_opioid_dol L2.any_opioid_dol L3.any_opioid_dol)
xline(1) levels(95) byopts(row(1)) eform citype(logit) mlabel
ylabel( 1 "Any opioid dollars, lagged one quarter"
2 "Any opioid dollars, lagged two quarters"
3 "Any opioid dollars, lagged three quarters"
, labsize(small))
/*ytitle("Odds Ratio for Any Exclusion", size(small))*/
xtitle("Figure 1: Key odds ratios from logit models predicting any physician HHS exclusion in county and quarter", size(small))
saving("$results/OR for any opioid dollars logits.gph", replace)

And the resulting coefplot is: