For our research we (fatefully) allowed a multiple choice question for degree funding (how the individual funds their studies).
Our options were: - Student finance - Family - Savings - Other - Scholarship - Bursary.

As displayed here with this tab:

. label list funding
1 Bursaries, Savings, Scholarships
2 Family
3 Family, Bursaries, Scholarships
4 Family, Other
5 Family, Savings
6 Family, Scholarships
7 Family, Student Finance
8 Family, Student Finance, Bursaries
9 Family, Student Finance, Bursaries, Savings
10 Family, Student Finance, Bursaries, Scholarships
11 Family, Student Finance, Other
12 Family, Student Finance, Savings
13 Family, Student Finance, Savings, Other
14 Scholarships
15 Student Finance
16 Student Finance, Bursaries
17 Student Finance, Bursaries, Other
18 Student Finance, Bursaries, Savings
19 Student Finance, Bursaries, Savings, Other
20 Student Finance, Bursaries, Scholarships
21 Student Finance, Other
22 Student Finance, Savings
23 Student Finance, Savings, Other

Given people have clicked more than one, its very tricky to input into stata. We have been advised to ignore “other", "savings" and “bursary”, and generate new variables covering:
- Student finance; anyone who clicked “student finance” as an option for funding, no matter what else they clicked (unless scholarship)
- Family; people who have said “family” and NOT student finance
- Scholarship; anyone who mentions scholarships, no matter anything else they have mentioned.

Does anyone have any advice on how to generate a new variable for funding but with the three categories - family, student finance and scholarships.

P.s this is a university project therefore I just need it to work and provide me with some results I can use for the analysis.

I really appreciate whatever suggestions you may give for me to try.

I have also destrung the variable hence the above layout