Dear Forum Members,

After applying the command - teffects psmatch -, I wish to get the selected sample, then apply tests for the "treatment" group (such as ttest, chi2, ranksum, etc.) for the sake of demonstrating the control group was appropriately matched with the treatment group, i.e., in short, to get a similar mean (for continuous variables), or proportion (for categorial variables) and, as a consequence, non-significant p-values.

For example, considering the code below:

webuse cattaneo2
teffects psmatch (bweight) (mbsmoke mmarried c.mage##c.mage fbaby medu, logit), nneighbor(2) gen(pho) osample(mymatch)
predict myprob, te
I'd like to:

a) tabulate and get the number of observations selected after the matching, by mbsmoke.
b) perform ttest with, say, mage and mbsmoke only for the matched sample
c) perform a chi-squared test for fbay with mbsmoke only for the the matched sample.

As far as I tried, I didn't find information on this. It seems the user-written psmatch2 can handle these issues. I wonder how this can be done under - teffects psmatch - or, if not, under psmatch2.

Many thanks in forward.