Dear Statlisters:

I am trying to do a table that shows the proportions/percentages of ppl who answered yes to a question (q14301_2) on three levels: gender, region (urban vs. rural) and age group.
I tried to do it using a loop and tabout but was not successful.
here is an example of my data:

* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input byte(q14301_2 agegrp1 urban) float female
2  8 1 1
2 10 1 1
2  1 1 0
2  5 1 0
2  6 1 0
2  1 1 0
2  1 1 0
2  5 1 0
2  6 1 0
2  5 1 0
label values q14301_2 yesno
label def yesno 2 " No", modify
label values agegrp1 agegrp1
label def agegrp1 1 "00_05", modify
label def agegrp1 5 "20_29", modify
label def agegrp1 6 "30_39", modify
label def agegrp1 8 "50_59", modify
label def agegrp1 10 "=>65", modify
label values urban Lurban
label def Lurban 1 "Urban", modify
Thank you.