Dear everyone,

I would like to know if someone knows a STATA code that I can use to remove accents on a string variable in STATA.

My string data is the following:

* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input str26 name_ocu
"Ánibal López"            
"Juána del Arcoíris"      
"Filómena Agustína"       
"Anastació Doncristoldo"   
"Federíco Rigobertino"     
"Ana Cletá"                
"Pacnhí Junací"           
"Asgurtímo Galdó"         
"Juán Filoméno"           
"Ánibal López Tercerapío"
I want to obtain in each row of variable "name_ocu" results in lowercase and letters without accents.

For instance: Ánibal López --> anibal lopez

Thanks a lot for your help

Alexis Rodas