Hello everyone, I hope all your good.

Look, I'm trying to make a result resume table for a paper, but I don't figure out the key of looping yet.
I have a four dataset (different length etc.. the are household surveys )
I wrote this code for Probit regressions

local i : dir "G:\publicaciones" files "*.dta"
foreach file in `i' {
use `file', clear
asdoc probit tabaco hombre pobre pobrextr originario /*
*/ trabestu urb_rur grupo9 grupo10 , nolog

And work because of the asdoc command store and organize the resume table pretty good in Word document.

But my problem is to store the same way (or using eststo command) the margins with some command like this.

eststo margin_1: margins, dydx(*) post

Please, somebody could help me to figure out the loop I need.

Thanks in advance.
