
I am adding several scalars to my regression table and want different numbers of decimals for different scalars. Is there a way to do so?
Right now I am using "sfmt(%9.0fc)" which gives 0 decimals for all my added scalars.

Thanks a lot for helping!


My current code:

* Regression
eststo: rdrobust `var' sdate, c(0)
estadd scalar SE = e(se_tau_cl), replace
estadd scalar Obs = e(N_h_r) + e(N_h_l), replace
estadd scalar Bandwidth = e(h_r), replace

* Table
esttab using "$tables/reg_table_`var'.tex", ///
label nomtitles nonumbers width(\textwidth) nonote noobs nolines nogaps ///
fragment b(2) ci(3) star(* 0.10 ** 0.05 *** 0.01) ///
scalars(SE Obs Bandwidth) sfmt(%9.0fc) coeflabels(RD_Estimate "RD Estimate") replace