numeric: credit_value insurance_value payment
date: credit_date (daily date)

I generated variables that add up the values of 3 variables over some years, by using the following commands:

*First I generated a yearly date from a daily formatted date
gen credit_year=year(credit_date)

*Then I added up the values for a same year for 3 variables

egen yearly_credit_value= sum(credit_value), by(credit_year)
egen yearly_insurance_value=sum(insurance_value), by(credit_year)
egen yearly_payment=sum(payment), by(credit_year)

Now, I need to make the following simple operations, but I'm not really sure how to do them:

generate a variable called "probability" for each year equal to the division of yearly_payment by insurance_value

What I want is to get a table that looks like this

credit_year / yearly_credit_value / yearly_insurance_value / yearly_payment / probability

2010 / n / m / s / s/m

I am also struggling to find a way to display a table with these values (I've used a tab for the variables created with egen, but there must be a more efficient way to do it) and export given table to an excel file, for example.

I know these are very basic operations, but I haven't quite been able to work throughout this simple manner.

I appreciate your help.