Hello all,

As indicated in the title, I am running a model followed by the margins command and I am then using the marginsplot command to graph it. I am also using the "by()" option to create separate graphs by a categorical variable. However, the result is that there is a new title that appears "Predictive Margins of [cat variable]". Even if I use the ti("") option, this title remains. Actually, in this context, the ti("") option seems to control a title on top of each subgraph.

The syntax is more complicated than this, but as a simple example, here is what it would look like:

sysuse auto
logit foreign c.price##rep78
margins rep78, at(price=(3000(1000)5000))
marginsplot, by(rep78) ti("")
How do we control the overall title from the syntax as opposed to opening the graph editor?

Thank you!