I am running a cross classified model using runmlwin. Previously, I had used meqrlogit and then I used the following code to predict fixed and random effects and to graph them:
predict v0*, reffects predict v0se*, reffects predict probAll predict pfx, xb gen probPeriod = 1 /(1+exp(-1*(pfx + v01))) gen probPrL = probPeriod-1.96*v0se1 gen probPrU = probPeriod+1.96*v0se1 collapse (mean) probP = probPeriod (semean) probPs = probPeriod, by(Period) gen probPrL = probP-1.96*probPs gen probPrU = probP+1.96*probPs twoway (connected probP Period, mcolor(black) lcolor(black)) /// (connected probPrL Period, mcolor(black) lcolor(black) lpattern(dash)) /// (connected probPrU Period, mcolor(black) lcolor(black) lpattern(dash)), /// ytitle(Predicted probability with 95% confidence band) xtitle(Period) xlabel(#3) legend(off)
In an attempt to predict and graph my results using runmlwin I tried the following code:
runmlwin ID cons, level2(Period:cons, , residuals(v)) level1(Cohort: cons, residuals(u)) discrete(dist(binomial) link(logit) denom(denom)) mcmc(cc) initsprevious nopause
Would anyone be able to provide any insight into how to calculate this when using the runmlwin package? Thanks.
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