
I am using globals to store my file paths - all the globals are stored in a master dofile that I run first. The globals are working fine when it comes to opening/saving documents - but I am having trouble naming my graphs correctly using graph export.

For example, where the relevant globals are:

global projectfolder "/home/bs3313/Documents/DS138"
global DS138_dtFin "$projectfolder/Dataset/Final"
global DS138_out  "$projectfolder/Output"
global lmic "-LMIC"
use "$DS138_dtFin/Launch$lmic-panel.dta", clear
Works fine & opens the relevant file (/home/bs3313/Documents/DS138/Dataset/Final/Launch-LMIC-panel.dta)

However graph export does not name the file correctly:

sts, fail by(eml)
graph export "$DS138_out/KM$lmic_launches.png", as(png) width(5000) replace
saves the file as: /home/bs3313/Documents/DS138/Output/KM.png

Could anyone advise me as to where I am going wrong?

Thanks, Bryony