I need help with the following issues:

1. Combining Plots
I have the following syntax for my plots:
twoway (scatter AB_Y Day if Sampletype ==0 & Run==0), play (Template_Background) ylabel(0(0.01)0.03, angle(0) grid) yline(0.02)
twoway (scatter CD_Y Day if Sampletype ==0 & Run==0), play (Template_Background) ylabel(0(0.1)0.2, angle(0) grid) yline(0.1)
twoway (scatter EF_Y Day if Sampletype ==0 & Run==0), play (Template_Background) ylabel(0(5)15, angle(0) grid) yline(10)
twoway (scatter GH_Y Day if Sampletype ==0 & Run==0), play (Template_Background) ylabel(0(0.1)0.3, angle(0) grid) yline(0.2)
After some search, I could combine them according to the following syntax:
combineplot Day (AB_Y CD_Y EF_Y GH_Y) if Sampletype ==0 & Run==0: scatter @x @y
Yet, the code above is not optimal as I need to include my Template, the ylabel specs, and the reference line for the individual plots. Is there a way to combine the plots in my first code using one (or short) syntax?

And how to label the x-axis with only "Day" because right now I get "Day" together with the name of the group (example "Day analyzer Y")?

2. Combining Figures/Images
I have the following loop for my scatter plots (A to Q are analytes in blood samples analyzed in analyzer X and analyzer Y):
putdocx begin
putdocx paragraph
#delimit ;
putdocx text ("Scatter plots of the A-Q analyzed in the X and Y analyzers.");
#delimit cr

foreach stub in A_ B_ C_ D_ E_ F_ G_ H_ I_ J_ K_ L_ M_ N_ O_ P_ Q_ {
    aaplot `stub'X `stub'Y, play (Template_aaplot)
    graph export `stub'1.png
    putdocx image `stub'1.png

putdocx save Results_XX, replace
However, the size of the obtained plots/images are too large and every plot (saved as PNG format) takes almost the whole Word page. How can I combine the obtained images to fit in one to two pages?