Hello stata experts,

I'm running a latent class analysis (gsem command) using NIH HINTS dataset (https://hints.cancer.gov/), whose manual says I have to use "svyset [pw=person_finwt0], jkrw(person_finwt1-person_finwt50,multiplier(0.98)) vce(jack) mse" for complex survey setting (person_finwt0 is the weight, and person_finwt1 - 50 are replication weights). So I did it and tried to run "svy: gsem " command and got a message that jackknife is not allowed.
prefix svy jackknife not allowed with latent classes
an error occurred when svy executed gsem
an error occurred when jackknife executed gsem
(1) In this case, what can I do in STATA? Would there be any other way to adjust for HINTS survey design? The HINTS survey was based on: stratified sample of addresses from file of residential addresses to oversample minority households, and surveying one adult in the households.

(2) Also, I converted the data file for MPlus, and tried to run LCA using TYPE = COMPLEX; REPSE = JACKKNIFE; but it requires a file of multipliers instead of designating multiplier(0.98) as in STATA. How could I generate a multiplier file in this case?

Thank you,