Hi guys,

I am trying to run a diff in diff. Unfortunately, the probit regression is not running properly, because Stata generates endless iteration that say "(backed up)".

probit covered industry ROA ROE Leverage asset revenue EBIT market_cap i.Post##i.Treated
Covered is my independent binary variable that is 0 or 1, the following variable are my dependent variable, Post and Treated are also binary 0 or 1, other variable are continuous.
The problem here seems to be asset renvenue EBIT and market_cap (market capitalization) . These are all variables I got from Worldscope. Variable I calculated myself e.p. ROA (Net Income/Total Assets) are running.

I had the same problem with a another probit modell earlier. After putting these troubling variables into categories of 1000 it work. Unfortunately, that doesn't work this time.
foreach var of varlist asset revenue EBIT market_cap  {
cap drop `var'_cat
egen `var'_cat = cut (`var'), group(1000)
Can anyone help or has a suggestion to solve this issue?