I would like to clarify the following uncertainty: I am analysing the impact of technology on different occupations and use panel data on 11 industries between 2006-2017. I have created a fixed effects model in order to look for the similar effect across all industries after accounting for individual effects, however, I would also like to look later into the different effect of computer_use for each industry. Hence, I decided to use the interaction of computer_use with industry dummies for the second model.
However, when I use the latter regression, other variables that were significant in the first model become now insignificant. Can I still use the first regression to interpret the effect of other variables, and from the latter just refer to different effects of computer_use?
Or does it make my results uncomparable?
. xtreg nonrout using_computer lngva price_computer total_internet_access sharedegre > e sharehigher shareother, fe vce(robust) Fixed-effects (within) regression Number of obs = 120 Group variable: industry1 Number of groups = 10 R-sq: Obs per group: within = 0.3276 min = 12 between = 0.4580 avg = 12.0 overall = 0.4408 max = 12 F(7,9) = 16.27 corr(u_i, Xb) = 0.5375 Prob > F = 0.0002 (Std. Err. adjusted for 10 clusters in industry1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Robust nonrout | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- using_computer | .0014271 .0004206 3.39 0.008 .0004755 .0023786 lngva | -.0193869 .0317928 -0.61 0.557 -.0913072 .0525334 price_computer | .0014037 .0009901 1.42 0.190 -.000836 .0036434 total_internet_a~s | .0041153 .0022304 1.85 0.098 -.0009303 .0091609 sharedegree | .0926562 .1112741 0.83 0.427 -.1590632 .3443756 sharehigher | -.2771514 .1359427 -2.04 0.072 -.5846752 .0303723 shareother | .1583427 .0836769 1.89 0.091 -.0309475 .3476329 _cons | .200577 .5024723 0.40 0.699 -.9360942 1.337248 -------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- sigma_u | .1681399 sigma_e | .01373558 rho | .99337076 (fraction of variance due to u_i) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Now - with the interaction term: . xtreg nonrout c.using_computer#i.industry1 lngva price_computer total_internet_acc > ess sharedegree sharehigher shareother, fe vce(robust) Fixed-effects (within) regression Number of obs = 120 Group variable: industry1 Number of groups = 10 R-sq: Obs per group: within = 0.4646 min = 12 between = 0.0007 avg = 12.0 overall = 0.0008 max = 12 F(6,9) = . corr(u_i, Xb) = -0.7915 Prob > F = . (Std. Err. adjusted for 10 clusters in industry1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Robust nonrout | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- industry1#| c.using_computer | Accommodation | -.0019848 .0006782 -2.93 0.017 -.0035191 -.0004505 Administrative .. | .0011701 .0002696 4.34 0.002 .0005603 .0017799 Construction | .0019143 .0003306 5.79 0.000 .0011663 .0026623 Financial and I.. | -.0067784 .0034683 -1.95 0.082 -.0146244 .0010675 Information and.. | .0032694 .0010298 3.17 0.011 .0009398 .005599 Manufacturing | .0017933 .0013022 1.38 0.202 -.0011526 .0047392 Professional, S.. | -.0004355 .0008249 -0.53 0.610 -.0023016 .0014306 Real Estate | .0019032 .0002549 7.47 0.000 .0013266 .0024799 Transportation .. | -.0000783 .0002766 -0.28 0.784 -.0007041 .0005475 Wholesale trade | -.0000112 .0014483 -0.01 0.994 -.0032876 .0032651 | lngva | .0000949 .0355875 0.00 0.998 -.0804097 .0805995 price_computer | .0013431 .0009608 1.40 0.196 -.0008305 .0035166 total_internet_a~s | .0037761 .0023165 1.63 0.138 -.0014641 .0090163 sharedegree | .0639118 .1022921 0.62 0.548 -.167489 .2953126 sharehigher | -.2078717 .1323905 -1.57 0.151 -.5073598 .0916164 shareother | .0901104 .0656804 1.37 0.203 -.058469 .2386898 _cons | .127795 .461287 0.28 0.788 -.9157087 1.171299 -------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- sigma_u | .3108439 sigma_e | .01283018 rho | .99829925 (fraction of variance due to u_i) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ . .
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