Hi I was hoping to get some guidance on how to produce a specific kind of table that I have been unable to figure out.
I would like to create a table in which each column is a sub group of a categorical variable. Then each row would be a variable and its average value for each sub group. So for instance if I were trying to find the conditional means of variables x, y, z by educational attainment the table would look like:
Did not graduate HS Graduated HS Some Col College Grad
x (av x if did not grad hs) (av x if did grad hs) (av x if started col) (av x if grad col)
y (av y if did not grad hs) (av y if did grad hs) (av y if started col) (av y if grad col)
z (av z if did not grad hs) (av z if did grad hs) (av z if started col) (av z if grad col)
I would then like to export the table to put into latex. I have read through the documentation for tabout, esttout, and tabulate twoway and been unable to figure out what to do. Any assistance would be deeply appreciated!