My data is in long format and consists of six sub-scales (Scale1-Scale6) and three different respondents (parent, teacher, and child).
My aim is to test the correlation between the child responses and the teacher / parent responses for each sub-scale (12 correlations in total). For example;
- Correlate parent and child responses for Scale 1
- Correlate teacher and child responses for Scale 1
- Correlate parent and child responses for Scale 2
- Correlate teacher and child responses for Scale 2
- Correlate parent and child responses for Scale 3
- Correlate teacher and child responses for Scale 3
When using the by respondent prefix (by Respondent, sort: correlate Scale1-Scale6) the results show the correlation of Scale1-Scale6 by respondent. Alternatively, when I select only one Scale (by Respondent, sort: correlate Scale1) the results equal 1 for each respondent.
I appreciate I can rename the variables to distinguish the respondent, convert the dataset to wide format then correlate but my preference is to keep the dataset long if possible.
I am currently using Stata version 15.1.
Thanks in advance for your time.
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