I am trying to extract data from a pvar and mold it into a matrix. The output of the pvar is as follows
Final GMM Criterion Q(b) = .156 Initial weight matrix: Identity GMM weight matrix: Robust No. of obs = 44475 No. of panels = 38 Ave. no. of T = 1170.395 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- value_dif | value_dif | L1. | -.0113901 .0330503 -0.34 0.730 -.0761674 .0533873 | IV_c_dif | L1. | 1918.093 476.1653 4.03 0.000 984.8264 2851.36 | val_dif | L1. | .000953 .0005652 1.69 0.092 -.0001548 .0020608 | sat_dif | L1. | .0000536 .0005408 0.10 0.921 -.0010063 .0011136 | qual_dif | L1. | -.0008847 .0007642 -1.16 0.247 -.0023824 .000613 | sent_pos | L1. | -.0014811 .0003022 -4.90 0.000 -.0020735 -.0008887 | sent_neg | L1. | .0016537 .0004451 3.72 0.000 .0007813 .002526 | fgc | L1. | -.0273508 .0277591 -0.99 0.324 -.0817577 .027056 | MVE | L1. | 1.32e-06 6.93e-07 1.91 0.057 -3.69e-08 2.68e-06 | at | L1. | -1.48e-06 7.05e-07 -2.10 0.036 -2.86e-06 -1.00e-07 | adv_s | L1. | 4.14e-06 9.14e-06 0.45 0.651 -.0000138 .000022 -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- IV_c_dif | value_dif | L1. | 4.10e-07 4.44e-07 0.92 0.356 -4.61e-07 1.28e-06 | IV_c_dif | L1. | -.0403185 .0202629 -1.99 0.047 -.0800332 -.0006039 | val_dif | L1. | 4.59e-09 3.98e-08 0.12 0.908 -7.34e-08 8.26e-08 | sat_dif | L1. | -4.87e-09 4.36e-08 -0.11 0.911 -9.03e-08 8.06e-08 | qual_dif | L1. | -6.98e-08 6.18e-08 -1.13 0.259 -1.91e-07 5.13e-08 | sent_pos | L1. | 2.26e-08 2.48e-08 0.91 0.361 -2.59e-08 7.12e-08 | sent_neg | L1. | -2.50e-08 3.81e-08 -0.66 0.512 -9.97e-08 4.97e-08 | fgc | L1. | -.0000328 3.36e-06 -9.77 0.000 -.0000394 -.0000262 | MVE | L1. | -6.84e-11 8.14e-11 -0.84 0.400 -2.28e-10 9.11e-11 | at | L1. | -9.97e-11 3.92e-11 -2.54 0.011 -1.77e-10 -2.28e-11 | adv_s | L1. | -1.19e-09 9.44e-10 -1.26 0.209 -3.04e-09 6.65e-10 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- <from here repeating for all variables>
value_dif | IV_c_dif | val_dif | ||||
value_dif | coefficient | *** | coefficient | *** | ||
t-statistic | t-statistic | |||||
IV_c_dif | coefficient | *** | coefficient | *** | ||
t-statistic | t-statistic | |||||
val_dif | coefficient | *** | coefficient | *** | ||
t-statistic | t-statistic |
I tried to get the coefficient and t-statistics via
estout, cells (b(star) t(par))
Can anyone provide advice on how to achieve the matrix?
Any help would be most appreciated.
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