Thanks as always to Kit Baum, a new version of the cprdlinkutil package is now available for download from SSC. In Stata, use the ssc command to do this, or adoupdate if you already have an old version of cprdlinkutil.

The cprdlinkutil package is described as below on my website. The new version updates the variable labels to remove references to "CPRD GOLD". The CPRD data warehouse now comes in 2 versions, CPRD GOLD (for data from primary-care practices using Vision software) and CPRD AURUM (for data from primary-care practices using EMIS software). And linkage-source data input into the cprdlinkutil package should be equally compatible with both versions.

Best wishes


package cprdlinkutil from

cprdlinkutil: Inputting CPRD linkage-source datasets into Stata

The cprdlinkutil package is designed for use with the cprdutil
package, which creates Stata datasets from text data files produced
by the Clinical Practice Research Datalink (CPRD). cprdlinkutil is
a suite of utility programs for inputting linkage-source text data
files produced by CPRD for linkage to one or more non-CPRD sources
of data on the same patients, and creating equivalent Stata datasets
in the memory. Possible linkage-data sources include the Hospital
Episodes System (HES) for data on hospitalisations, and the Office
of National Statistics (ONS) for data on deaths. CPRD can carry out
data retrievals to provide linkage datasets, with data about
patients known to CPRD, and with one observation per event of the
type recorded by the linkage-data source. Datasets produced by
cprdlinkutil contain information on patients and practices known to
CPRD, and on the times at which patients in these practices can be
said to be at risk of experiencing recorded events of the types
recorded by each linkage-data source. cprdlinkutil uses the SSC
packages keyby and chardef, which need to be installed for
cprdlinkutil to work.

Author: Roger Newson
Distribution-Date: 10december2017
Stata-Version: 13

INSTALLATION FILES (click here to install)
(click here to return to the previous screen)