Hello everyone, I have the habit of inserting tabs in my code to facilitate readability. Apparently, I am not the only one (https://medium.com/the-stata-guide/t...e-52418ce35006). My text editor converts a tab to four spaces. However, it seems that Stata's Results window converts a tab to eight spaces. This is purely cosmetic, but is there a way to make Stata's Results window (not the Do-file Editor) convert a tab to four spaces? By the way, I know that I can convert a tab to eight spaces in my text editor, but I like four spaces. Any thoughts are appreciated.

In my text editor:


In Stata:

clear all
sysuse auto

gen sample_indicator = cond(                             ///
    20         <= mpg             & mpg             >= 30     &     ///
    2         <= rep78         & rep78         >= 4     &     ///
    10         <= trunk         & trunk         >= 20     &     ///
    2000     <= weight         & weight         >= 4000 &     ///
    100     <= displacement & displacement     >= 400         ///
, 1, 0)