I hope someone can help me as I have spent countless hours trying to recreate the graph output in journal article. Both DV: FS_Scale and IV:runoutworry are categorical predictors (Likert Scale from 1-7) and I want to show the trend (+/-) . For e.g. how many people on the 7 pt runoutworry(x-axis) is also showing up also as 7 pt on y-axis FS_Scale? The output I want to mimic is able to show 1 -7 for both x-axis and y-axis but when I coded it, it came out showing frequencies on y-axis instead. I think I am doing something wrong or is it impossible? Thank you so much.
Here is my code
drop if runoutworry==. drop if FS_Scale==. collapse (count) runoutworry, by(FS_Scale) browse twoway (line runoutworry FS_Scale, sort lcolor(black) lwidth(medium) lpattern(longdash)) (scatter runoutworry FS_Scale, msize(medium) msymbol(circle) mlabel(runoutworry) mlabsize(medium)), /// ytitle(count of run out worry) ylabel(0(200)1000, angle(horizontal)) xlabel(1(1)7) legend(off) plotregion(margin(large)) xtitle(FS Scale)
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