Dear all,
I would like to know your feedback about the following issue.
I need to realize the graph as the one I attach, that I obtained combining three different graphs realized with three different datasets (using the script below).

la def uomo ///
                0 "Donne" ///
                1 "Uomini", modify
la val  uomo uomo
la var uomo "uomo"

la def setto ///
                1 "Legislatori, ufficiali e managers" ///
                2 "Professionisti" ///
                3 "Tecnici e professionisti associati" ///
                4 "Impiegati" ///
                5 "Addetti ai servizi e alle vendite" ///
                6 "Qualificati nella pesca e agricoltura" ///
                7 "Artigiani e operai" ///
                8 "Operatori di macchina e di impianti e assemblatori" ///
                9 "Occupazioni dequalificate", modify
la val  setto setto
la var setto "settore"

graph hbar perc, over(uomo) over(setto, gap(*.1) relabel(1 "" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "" 7 "" 8 "" 9 "")) ///
asyvars stack ///
title("Distribuzione di genere nelle professioni - 2015", size(small)) ///
ylabel(0(5)20,labsize(small)) ///
leg(rows(1)) ///
blabel(bar,position(outside)) ///
graph save isco15.gph, replace
What I do not like is that I have to fix 'manually' the size of each graph in order to make them more or less of the equal size (and still the result is not the best). So, I created a unique dataset and I run the same script, adding -over anno-, but the result is not what I would like to have. Do you have any clue on how can I run this? Below the new dataset on which I would like to have the graph.

* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input byte(uomo setto anno) float perc
0 1 1   .5
0 2 1    4
0 3 1  4.4
0 4 1  6.7
0 5 1  7.3
0 6 1  1.9
0 7 1  3.4
0 8 1  1.5
0 9 1  4.2
1 1 1  2.4
1 2 1  3.5
1 3 1  8.8
1 4 1  6.6
1 5 1  8.7
1 6 1  3.7
1 7 1 18.4
1 8 1  7.5
1 9 1  6.5
0 1 2    3
0 2 2  3.8
0 3 2 10.6
0 4 2    7
0 5 2  6.5
0 6 2   .7
0 7 2  2.3
0 8 2  1.7
0 9 2    4
1 1 2  5.7
1 2 2  5.1
1 3 2 10.9
1 4 2  4.6
1 5 2  4.7
1 6 2    2
1 7 2 14.9
1 8 2  7.4
1 9 2  5.3
0 1 3  5.1
0 2 3  6.9
0 3 3  7.1
0 4 3  8.7
0 5 3  6.5
0 6 3   .7
0 7 3  1.4
0 8 3  1.5
0 9 3  4.3
1 1 3  6.2
1 2 3  5.7
1 3 3  9.7
1 4 3  4.6
1 5 3    4
1 6 3  2.1
1 7 3   13
1 8 3  6.9
1 9 3  5.8
label values uomo uomo
label def uomo 0 "Donne", modify
label def uomo 1 "Uomini", modify
label values setto setto
label def setto 1 "Legislatori, ufficiali e managers", modify
label def setto 2 "Professionisti", modify
label def setto 3 "Tecnici e professionisti associati", modify
label def setto 4 "Impiegati", modify
label def setto 5 "Addetti ai servizi e alle vendite", modify
label def setto 6 "Qualificati nella pesca e agricoltura", modify
label def setto 7 "Artigiani e operai", modify
label def setto 8 "Operatori di macchina e di impianti e assemblatori", modify
label def setto 9 "Occupazioni dequalificate", modify
Thanks a lot, best, G
