* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex clear input int Date byte(sell_f buy_f) int(sell_e buy_e) 13667 9 15 16 22 13668 5 8 6 5 13669 10 10 12 2 13670 14 8 14 7 13671 19 8 43 11 13674 19 4 22 0 13675 11 11 47 25 13676 9 8 11 20 13677 4 12 27 26 13678 12 24 4 35 13681 9 23 15 36 13682 11 12 19 11 13683 7 24 21 18 13684 22 8 22 10 13685 19 24 9 12 13688 9 6 22 8 13689 19 9 10 6 13690 10 16 19 10 13691 16 1 33 9 13692 15 8 12 25 13695 12 9 20 15 13696 20 20 24 31 13697 11 5 9 9 13698 12 11 12 13 13699 9 14 24 26 13702 15 12 28 14 13703 11 7 25 30 13704 12 13 21 26 13705 14 13 16 15 13706 16 34 29 85 13709 18 21 17 55 13710 26 10 19 22 13711 14 26 8 49 13712 17 11 33 44 13713 11 16 7 36 13717 14 31 78 155 13719 25 39 116 76 13720 18 12 74 38 13723 22 12 69 16 13724 14 21 28 59 13725 16 23 32 67 13726 17 10 22 26 end format %td Date
* [PIN] * * Program Instructions * capture program drop PIN program define PIN version 7.0 * * Assign names to the log-likelihood function and its parameters * args lnf esf ebf ese ebe alpha delta mf me * * Generate three tempvars so as to divide the expression for PROB(BnE,BnF,SnE,SnF) in three smaller terms * tempvar expr1 expr2 expr3 * * Define the tempvars and the log-likelihood function * [$ML_y(i) is the internal label for the i-th dependent variable] * quietly { gen double `expr1' = ((`esf')^$ML_y1*exp(-`esf') / exp(lnfactorial($ML_y1))* /// (`ebf')^$ML_y2*exp(-`ebf') / exp(lnfactorial($ML_y2))*(`ese')^$ML_y3*exp(-`ese') / exp(lnfactorial($ML_y3))* /// (`ebe')^$ML_y4*exp(-`ebe') / exp(lnfactorial($ML_y4))) gen double `expr2' =((`esf'+`mf')^$ML_y1*exp(-`esf'-`mf') / exp(lnfactorial($ML_y1))* /// (`ebf')^$ML_y2*exp(-`ebf') / exp(lnfactorial($ML_y2))*(`ese'+`me')^$ML_y3*exp(-`ese'-`me') / exp(lnfactorial($ML_y3))* /// (`ebe')^$ML_y4*exp(-`ebe') / exp(lnfactorial($ML_y4))) gen double `expr3' =((`esf')^$ML_y1*exp(-`esf') / exp(lnfactorial($ML_y1))*(`ebf'+`mf')^$ML_y2*exp(-`ebf'-`mf') / exp(lnfactorial($ML_y2))* /// (`ese')^$ML_y3*exp(-`ese') / exp(lnfactorial($ML_y3))*(`ebe'+`me')^$ML_y4*exp(-`ebe'-`me') / exp(lnfactorial($ML_y4))) replace `lnf'= ln((1-(`alpha'))*(`expr1')+(`alpha')*(`delta')*(`expr2')+(`alpha')*(1-(`delta'))* (`expr3')) } * * End the program * end * * Access Data, replacing "<DATA FILE PATH>" with the path to access the Ch5_ex4_data file in your PC, e.g. C:\Documents\Data\Ch5_ex4_data.dta * import excel "Data_Sets_Chapter_5_data_ex4.xls", sheet("Ch5_ex4_data") firstrow clear *use "Data_Sets_Chapter_5_data_ex4.dta", clear * * Generate the log file, replacing "<RESULT FILE PATH>" with the path to create the output file in your PC, e.g. C:\Documents\Ch5_ex4_results * cap log close log using "Data_Sets_Chapter_5_data_ex4.log", replace * * Define the parameters and the dependent variable * ren (sell_f buy_f sell_e buy_e) (sellf buyf selle buye) ml model lf PIN (esf: sellf=) (ebf: buyf=) (ese: selle=) (ebe: buye=) (alfa:) (delta:) (mf:) (me:) * * Set initial values * ml init 20 20 20 20 0.5 0.5 20 20, copy * * Maximize the log-likelihood function with respect to the eight parameters to be estimated * ml maximize * log close
. ml maximize initial: log likelihood = -1155.1648 rescale: log likelihood = -1155.1648 rescale eq: log likelihood = -912.23463 Iteration 0: log likelihood = -912.23463 Iteration 1: log likelihood = -875.96779 Iteration 2: log likelihood = -875.87954 Iteration 3: log likelihood = -870.40346 Iteration 4: log likelihood = -870.28267 Iteration 5: log likelihood = -870.2826 Number of obs = 42 Wald chi2(0) = . Log likelihood = -870.2826 Prob > chi2 = . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- esf | _cons | 13.39787 .5764053 23.24 0.000 12.26814 14.52761 -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- ebf | _cons | 12.72771 .5905815 21.55 0.000 11.57019 13.88522 -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- ese | _cons | 21.51544 .7463844 28.83 0.000 20.05255 22.97833 -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- ebe | _cons | 20.32264 .745875 27.25 0.000 18.86075 21.78453 -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- alfa | _cons | .2147634 .0634616 3.38 0.001 .0903809 .3391458 -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- delta | _cons | .3344657 .1574142 2.12 0.034 .0259396 .6429919 -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- mf | _cons | 11.61024 1.722019 6.74 0.000 8.235147 14.98534 -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- me | _cons | 60.1767 3.096163 19.44 0.000 54.10833 66.24506 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- How can I store the estimated coefficients as variables in the data set.
- In case I need to estimate the model by groups (like -statsby-), any suggestions? Thanks a lot.
0 Response to ml command with estimated coefficients (rangestat/runby?)
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