I am trying to estimate the effect of state law on number of crashes relative to total vehicle miles traveled. To assess the effect of implementation of the law, I created a dummy variable law (1=presence of the law; 0=absence of the law). My unit of analysis is state and I have pooled cross-sectional time-series data. My N=50 and My T=29 (1985-2014). I have about 1500 observations. It appears that there is a significant auto-correlation in the dataset based on the Wooldridge test (p<.000), hereoskedasticity, and contemporaneous correlation. Data are stationary.
Here are the models that I consider:
xtgls crashes_r_vtm l.law year Alabama - Wyoming , panels (heteroskedastic) corr(ar1) force
xtreg crashes_r_vtm l.law year , fe cluster (state)
xtregar crashes_r_vtm l.law , fe
How can I decide if I should use xtregar?
I read on forum that
"xtregar- are recommended whenever you have a T>N panel data structure, when the autocorrelation preocess is AR1 (something unfeasible with -xtreg-)." Would that mean that I should choose xtreg with cluster errors? (again there is significant autocorrelation).
Finally, my second variable is drug crashes relative to total vehicle traveled. This measure is highly positively skewed. Should I use a log term of this variable?
Thank you so much for your help.
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