I am working with an around 30 years' data from an annual survey. Each year-wave is saved into a year2000.dta file in my external harddisk (F:\Morg annuali).
I am now trying to do some cleaning and then save all files into a new one using a foreach code I found on here:
clear cd "F:\Morg annuali" local filelist: dir "." files "*.dta", respectcase local num=0 local appendlist /* work on every file and temp-save it */ foreach file of local filelist { use "`file'" tempfile file`++num' display as text in smcl "working on file number {it:`num'}..." *here I do my cleaning display as text in smcl "... finished working on file number {it:`num'}" save `file`num'' } /* concatenate files */ forvalues filenum=1/`num' { if `filenum'==1 use `file`filenum'' else local appendlist: list appendlist | file`filenum' } append using `appendlist'
invalid 'Malisn'
I think this is due to my Windows name,"Ilr Malisn", having a space in between and thus confusing Stata. I tried to solve it by moving annual datasets and dofile into the external harddisk, without luck. It also seems like I cannot change my Windows name without resetting the whole laptop.
I would appreciate any kind of help, thank you!
0 Response to invalid 'Mylastname' while executing foreach
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