outreg2 using "$rootloc\regression_noeffect_output.doc", addstat("Pseudo R^2", r, "Correctly classified per confusion matrix", classified, "Area under ROC curve", aroc, "GOF: Number of covariate patterns", gofm, "GOF: Pearson chi^2", gofchi2, "GOF: Prob > chi^2", gofp) bdec(3) replace
However, when I try adding a column after another logit and same bunch of estimations
outreg2 using "$rootloc\regression_noeffect_output.doc", addstat("Pseudo R^2", r, "Correctly classified per confusion matrix", classified, "Area under ROC curve", aroc, "GOF: Number of covariate patterns", gofm, "GOF: Pearson chi^2", gofchi2, "GOF: Prob > chi^2", gofp) bdec(3) append
invalid syntax r(198);
Initially I thought maybe outreg2 doesn't like that I am specifying the stat/row headers again. So I tried removing those,
outreg2 using "$rootloc\regression_noeffect_output.doc", addstat(r, classified, aroc, gofm, gofchi2, gofp) bdec(3) append
What am I missing?
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