I am trying to get row name of a max value in a matrix. Previously i did install matsort and tabstatmat and mix both commands with st_matrixrowstripe but fail in the last step, my example code
sysuse auto, clear *previously install tabstatmat tabstat mpg, by(foreig) stat(mean sd) save tabstatmat x, nototal *previously install matsort matsort x 1 "down" mat li x mean sd Domestic:mpg 24.772727 6.6111869 Foreign:mpg 19.826923 4.7432972 local max = x[1,1] mata : st_matrixrowstripe("x") 1 2 +-----------------------+ 1 | Domestic mpg | 2 | Foreign mpg | +-----------------------+ local rownames = x[1,1] di "`rownames'"
Best regards
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