Dear all,

I hope all is well with you. I wanted to create a bar chart with three bars along with their standard errors. Here is sample of my data:

* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input byte StateWins int yeardecision str5 bench byte AfterReformJudge
1 2012 "abohc" 0
1 2014 "abohc" 1
0 2013 "abohc" 1
0 2016 "abohc" 1
1 1999 "banhc" 0
1 2013 "banhc" 1
0 2004 "banhc" 0
1 1986 "banhc" 0
1 1990 "banhc" 0
1 2010 "banhc" 0
0 2001 "banhc" 0

Previously, when I had a identifier before and after reform, I was able to make two bars by using the following code where former was before reform and latter bar was after the reform:

collapse (mean) meanStateWins= StateWins (sd) sdStateWins=StateWins (count) n=StateWins, by(AfterReformJudge)
generate hiStateWins = meanStateWins + invttail(n-1,0.025)*(sdStateWins / sqrt(n))
generate loStateWins = meanStateWins - invttail(n-1,0.025)*(sdStateWins / sqrt(n))
graph twoway (bar meanStateWins AfterReformJudge) (rcap hiStateWins loStateWins AfterReformJudge)
However, now I need to make three bar charts one for State wins from yeardecision 1986 to 1998, one for state wins from year 1999 to 2009 and one from year decision 2010 to 2016 along with their respective standard errors.

I have tried using if qualifiers to construct yeardecision ranges but I cant seem to make the code work. How can I construct the three bars with their standard errors within these three time ranges?

Any help here will be really appreciated.
