Dear All,

I need to estimate a model using a cross-sectional regression for each industry and year over the period 2009 to 2014. The data is a panel data.
I used the following code:

bysort year industry: gen nobs = _N
forval y = 2009(1)2014 {
forval i = 1(1)50 {
di "year = `y' and industry = `i'"
reg part1 part2 part3 part4 part5 if industry== `i' & year==`y' & nobs>10, noconstant
predict r if industry== `i' & year==`y' & nobs>10, resid

However, every time I run this regression I have an error (although I have few missing observations) :
no observations

I would really appreciate any advice regarding the code.
Many thanks,