Hello fellow statalisters,

I would like to ask the community for some help regarding a survival analysis problem I'm facing;

I’m doing a survival analysis about tumor patients, this specific tumor type has generally a favorable prognosis, i.e. patients live 12-15 years after diagnosis. At the same time, follow-up in the available records is limited due to patients moving away etc., so median follow-up time is around 8 years.

This means that, with the event (death) not being encountered so often in the dataset, I can’t calculate median overall survival time for my cohort (and the respective disease subgroups).

STATA has the rmean option under the stci command. Based on what I've read online it’s primarily used in cases where the proportionality assumption is not fulfilled. Is it statistically sound to use restricted mean survival times when median times have not been reached?

Thanks in advance!