Hi all,

I have individual-year data where my variable of interest is a transition into employment (=1 when one enters employment in year t).

I have a regression that shows after year t female enter more so than male counterpart. The OLS shows 5% significance on female dummy X after year t dummy interaction term while controlling for each term separately. If I include year and individual fixed effects, the effect becomes stronger at 1 %. I show the basic OLS resutls in below.

employment_entry | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]
female | -.0045201 .0006558 -6.89 0.000 -.0058055 -.0032346
year_2013_bey~d | -.0150386 .0008808 -17.07 0.000 -.016765 -.0133121
female~3_beyond | .0023465 .0012209 1.92 0.055 -.0000465 .0047395
_cons | .025191 .0004723 53.33 0.000 .0242652 .0261168

If I just plot my variable across years between male and female, the found effect is not very apparent since female enter less overall and some years we see a spike for male and female groups.

Does anyone have a suggestion for generating a simple descriptive story to highlight the story?

Thanks in advance.