there is a problem occuring with exported regression results. 1) I have a full regression output 2) I put estimates of one variable of interest in a separate table, say, a reduced form of 1). The underlying regressions are the SAME. Yesterday, the reduced table was perfectly fine. Now, I get mixed results.
The problem is best described in this picture:
While the numbers are "correct", some parentheses are missing, the values are multiplied by 100 and se is negative. Not for all results though!
The blue code is what produced the table on the left side of the picture.
I think the way I loop or store the estimates could cause this problem? Or maybe it's a bug?
I appreciate any help. Thank you!! Rebecca
*[REGRESSIONS] Run from -preserve- to -restore-:
collapse (firstnm) labor* saved* hcap* yft war urban, by(id)
*[TABLE 1] Complete regression output:
*Loop 1 START
foreach j in "L" "G" "P"{
*Loop 2 START
foreach var of varlist labor saved hcap{
quietly regress `var'_`j' yft `var'_0 war urban
outreg2 using "$path/Approach1.xls", ///
sortvar(yft c.yft#c.yft labor_0 saved_0 hcap_0 war urban) excel append
quietly regress `var'_`j' c.yft##c.yft `var'_0 war urban
outreg2 using "$path/Approach1.xls", ///
sortvar(yft c.yft#c.yft labor_0 saved_0 hcap_0 war urban) excel append
*Loop 2 END
*Loop 1 END: Table 1 complete
*[TABLE 2] Only estimated coefficients of yft from 18 regressions:
*[NOTE] Storing the estimates in Loop 3 could be included in Loop 2 as well but
*for the sake of traceability it is done separately. Regressions are the same.
*Loop 3 START
foreach j in "L" "G" "P"{
*Loop 4 START
foreach var of varlist labor saved hcap{
quietly regress `var'_`j' yft `var'_0 war urban
estimates store L`var'_`j'
*[NOTE] L stands for linear specification of yft.
quietly regress `var'_`j' c.yft##c.yft `var'_0 war urban
estimates store Q`var'_`j'
*[NOTE] Q stands for quadratic specification of yft.
*Loop 4 END
*Loop 3 END: Estimates stored
*[NOTE] Proceeding to build Table 2: First block puts all estimates of the linear specification
*of yft in one row. Second block puts all of the quadratic specification in one row.
*[CREDIT]: -estout- written by Ben Jann.
estout Llabor_L Lsaved_L Lhcap_L ///
Llabor_G Lsaved_G Lhcap_G ///
Llabor_P Lsaved_P Lhcap_P using "$path/Estimates_yft.xls", ///
replace keep(yft) cells(b(star fmt(5)) se(par fmt(5))) collabels(none) style(tab) ///
starlevels(* 0.1 ** 0.05 *** 0.01) ///
mlabels(,depvars) lz title(Estimated Coefficients of yft in Two Specifications) ///
posthead("__Linear specification: ________________@hline") ///
prefoot("__Quadratic specification: _____________@hline") hlinechar(__)
estout Qlabor_L Qsaved_L Qhcap_L ///
Qlabor_G Qsaved_G Qhcap_G ///
Qlabor_P Qsaved_P Qhcap_P using "$path/Estimates_yft.xls", ///
append keep(yft c.yft#c.yft) cells(b(star fmt(5)) se(par fmt(5))) collabels(none) ///
mlabels(none) style(tab) nonumbers legend lz hlinechar(__) ///
starlevels(* 0.1 ** 0.05 *** 0.01) ///
note("Standard errors in parentheses _________@hline")
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex clear input float(labor_0 labor_L id) int yft float(urban war) . . 1 . 50.327 0 26.702543 26.96436 2 2000 21.1325 1 40.47243 40.98727 3 1995 36.4375 1 43.22406 42.0781 4 1965 36.293 0 . . 5 . 94.792 0 50.51339 71.237785 6 . 79.1235 0 41.19841 44.26669 7 1910 86.7985 0 41.39095 47.97966 8 1965 67.5555 0 . . 9 . 80.6055 0 . . 10 1960 35.3855 0 49.79837 53.07124 11 . 85.448 0 46.47499 51.13418 12 1915 63.0955 0 40.58215 49.39155 13 1965 53.903 1 47.6275 44.3517 14 1995 6.159 1 39.61708 44.85672 15 1905 96.3345 0 39.26097 39.89404 16 1985 34.1075 0 43.82782 37.847466 17 2000 13.689 0 32.57019 38.68617 18 1980 19.5705 0 46.17568 46.3249 19 1925 66.206 0 43.69338 57.55104 20 1970 88.0445 0 48.63773 58.73232 21 1965 79.561 0 39.48907 40.62098 22 . 39.082 1 46.07006 53.65329 23 . 65.783 0 32.97859 43.20228 24 1965 47.56 0 . . 25 1965 100 0 40.15187 47.00981 26 1975 55.074 0 40.13055 49.44241 27 1965 73.5305 0 52.39079 54.45883 28 1955 37.512 0 42.50053 50.01518 29 1960 66.364 0 36.19472 48.47885 30 1995 16.0165 0 34.697643 40.38333 31 1975 40.2905 0 41.04831 41.1025 32 1990 36.7845 0 52.95413 55.61936 33 1915 76.572 0 56.70659 56.86971 34 1910 73.956 0 48.31913 49.67947 35 . 31.4445 0 37.74898 47.10867 36 1960 83.207 0 56.37349 58.30558 37 1968 26.0715 0 37.199116 34.101265 38 1985 39.1605 0 41.72177 42.93423 39 1985 39.3695 0 39.35339 38.99584 40 2000 30.4175 1 38.59076 40.53418 41 2000 54.1145 1 34.03326 50.78221 42 1965 69.2445 1 23.10068 24.837463 43 1990 27.6235 0 33.248215 39.09181 44 . 42.812 0 37.91256 45.65006 45 1962 49.546 0 38.39698 45.82556 46 1920 73.126 0 . . 47 . 84.5415 0 . . 48 1965 100 0 44.59546 52.62164 49 . 66.5685 0 47.79623 50.03905 50 . 75.2345 0 48.94692 51.37965 51 1900 73.047 0 34.862415 38.65941 52 1985 75.855 0 . . 53 . 62.2645 0 55.85773 52.81248 54 1910 84.81 0 39.11825 43.78292 55 1965 55.0905 0 25.02489 30.83511 56 1975 51.6915 1 39.21555 45.06962 57 1970 54.704 0 27.49572 33.484417 58 1965 43.5445 0 45.47882 47.06181 59 1990 18.572 1 40.12445 50.62084 60 1902 75.2385 0 49.32022 51.36987 61 . 71.323 0 41.86633 46.51805 62 1990 12.5005 1 52.60161 49.9537 63 1915 79.029 0 36.968246 40.28757 64 . 41.228 0 44.65259 45.92065 65 1900 74.003 0 . . 66 . 30.513 0 . . 67 . 25.851 0 27.618114 31.01414 68 2000 68.4675 0 50.72644 50.99931 69 1910 78.165 0 49.80108 53.16368 70 1965 55.1575 1 42.44049 46.01094 71 1985 36.08 0 . . 72 . 100 0 36.844402 36.58928 73 1995 27.8835 0 30.845936 31.84341 74 1985 37.769 0 39.58134 41.03652 75 2000 30.071 0 35.00396 36.23053 76 . 34.25 0 41.17298 46.29043 77 . 71.373 0 . . 78 . 33.402 0 . . 79 . 79.5285 0 33.678013 38.024178 80 1985 41.8265 0 50.18623 48.44146 81 . 90.899 0 37.98178 37.892403 82 1965 29.628 0 50.29952 52.05784 83 . 99.3055 0 35.511353 40.77198 84 1985 40.2145 0 46.39473 44.54397 85 . 50.862 0 38.32986 42.24024 86 1985 27.9575 0 43.40657 42.99639 87 1890 65.824 0 40.22723 48.23806 88 1970 30.1175 0 . . 89 . 51.748 0 37.65082 38.23056 90 1978 25.426 1 38.35191 48.49313 91 . 56.8665 0 25.31732 33.034397 92 1985 56.062 0 22.932674 27.31541 93 1975 69.7975 1 55.71056 59.32411 94 . 90.637 0 40.55227 45.84111 95 1955 90.307 0 42.17038 41.24905 96 1925 66.736 0 44.70655 48.49929 97 1925 49.342 0 21.970116 26.37093 98 1975 72.693 0 51.70332 52.05392 99 1950 77.276 0 48.74479 53.42389 100 . 56.3115 0 end
0 Response to Missing parentheses around se in output whilst either coefficient or se multiplied by 100 ?! using reg/est store/estout
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