Why does one outreg2 command work and the other does not, when they are the same except for one variable?
This one works well:
logit AssuredOrNot Words BoilerWords Fog HardInfoMix1000 RedundantWords Specificity1000 Polarity1000 Subjectivity1000 LnTotalAssets roa lev GovSysAtt Indpres FX_INC SP_ESG_SCORE INSTOWN_PERCENT ESI ib0.NumIndsector Fiscalyear, vce(cluster CompName) baselevels
outreg2 using "C:\Users\raosunit\Documents\EVA and Sustainability\Stata files\JBE\Assured & AuditFirm_wControlsv3.xls", addstat("Wald chi2", e(chi2), " Prob > chi2", e(p), "No. of Companies", e(N_clust), "Pseudo R2", e(r2_p), "Deg Freedom-Model", e(df_m) ) replace ctitle(AssuredOrNot) label
outreg2 using "C:\Users\raosunit\Documents\EVA and Sustainability\Stata files\JBE\Assured & AuditFirm_wControlsv3.xls", addstat("Wald chi2", e(chi2), " Prob > chi2", e(p), "No. of Companies", e(N_clust), "Pseudo R2", e(r2_p), "Deg Freedom-Model", e(df_m) ) replace ctitle(AssuredOrNot) label
This one does not - Stata tells me that that this is invalid syntax:
logit AssuredOrNot Words BoilerWords Fog HardInfoMix1000 RedundantWords Specificity1000 Polarity1000 Subjectivity1000 LnTotalAssets roa lev GovSysAtt Indpres2 FX_INC SP_ESG_SCORE INSTOWN_PERCENT ESI ib0.NumIndsector Fiscalyear, vce(cluster CompName) baselevels
outreg2 using "C:\Users\raosunit\Documents\EVA and Sustainability\Stata files\JBE\Assured & AuditFirm_wControlsv5.xls", addstat("Wald chi2", e(chi2), "Prob > chi2", e(p), "No. of Companies", e(N_clust), "Pseudo R2", e(r2_p), "Deg Freedom-Model", e(df_m) ) replace ctitle(AssuredOrNot) label
Indpres and Indpres2 are variables indicating Industry Pressure, but calculated using different methods.
Also, the output for the 2nd logit does not give Wald chi2 & Prob>chi2 as I have pasted below. Is that why outreg2 is not working for the 2nd logit?
I would be very grateful for some guidance.
logit AssuredOrNot Words BoilerWords Fog HardInfoMix1000 RedundantWords Specificity1000 Polarity1000 Subj
> ectivity1000 LnTotalAssets roa lev GovSysAtt Indpres2 FX_INC SP_ESG_SCORE INSTOWN_PERCENT ESI ib0.NumInds
> ector Fiscalyear, vce(cluster CompName) baselevels
note: 0.NumIndsector != 0 predicts failure perfectly;
0.NumIndsector omitted and 37 obs not used.
note: 9.NumIndsector omitted because of collinearity.
Iteration 0: log pseudolikelihood = -589.832
Iteration 1: log pseudolikelihood = -32.526602
Iteration 2: log pseudolikelihood = -28.981431
Iteration 3: log pseudolikelihood = -16.575668
Iteration 4: log pseudolikelihood = -14.323127
Iteration 5: log pseudolikelihood = -13.593377
Iteration 6: log pseudolikelihood = -13.49977
Iteration 7: log pseudolikelihood = -13.48277
Iteration 8: log pseudolikelihood = -13.479702
Iteration 9: log pseudolikelihood = -13.479324 (not concave)
Iteration 10: log pseudolikelihood = -13.479306
Iteration 11: log pseudolikelihood = -13.479296 (not concave)
Iteration 12: log pseudolikelihood = -13.479294
Iteration 13: log pseudolikelihood = -13.479294
Logistic regression Number of obs = 1,171
Wald chi2(18) = .
Prob > chi2 = .
Log pseudolikelihood = -13.479294 Pseudo R2 = 0.9771
(Std. err. adjusted for 186 clusters in CompName)
AssuredOrNot Coefficient std. err. z P>z [95% conf. interval]
Words -.0000162 .0000264 -0.61 0.539 -.0000679 .0000355
BoilerWords 2.588939 13.69191 0.19 0.850 -24.24672 29.4246
Fog .7520213 .4479711 1.68 0.093 -.1259859 1.630028
HardInfoMix1000 .1150372 .0332754 3.46 0.001 .0498187 .1802557
RedundantWords 34.78673 43.50393 0.80 0.424 -50.4794 120.0529
Specificity1000 -.1367624 .0634322 -2.16 0.031 -.2610873 -.0124376
Polarity1000 .0265486 .0264736 1.00 0.316 -.0253386 .0784359
Subjectivity1000 .0342314 .0561648 0.61 0.542 -.0758495 .1443124
LnTotalAssets .8874881 1.152679 0.77 0.441 -1.371721 3.146697
roa 13.48434 8.483382 1.59 0.112 -3.142786 30.11146
lev .0589169 6.565389 0.01 0.993 -12.80901 12.92684
GovSysAtt 2.740119 2.215303 1.24 0.216 -1.601796 7.082033
Indpres2 -56.98134 36.19825 -1.57 0.115 -127.9286 13.96593
FX_INC 5.47e-06 . . . . .
SP_ESG_SCORE .068302 .0364258 1.88 0.061 -.0030912 .1396953
INSTOWN_PERCENT -.2443227 .1565149 -1.56 0.119 -.5510862 .0624408
ESI -.0720404 1.538307 -0.05 0.963 -3.087066 2.942985
Communication Services 0 (empty)
Consumer Discretionary 1916.888 . . . . .
Energy 1292.717 778.974 1.66 0.097 -234.0436 2819.478
Industrials 2203.504 1590.718 1.39 0.166 -914.2456 5321.253
Health Care 1079.851 603.6592 1.79 0.074 -103.2993 2263.001
Information Technology 1006.94 762.6687 1.32 0.187 -487.8631 2501.743
Financials 1572.106 551.7738 2.85 0.004 490.6489 2653.563
Materials 1231.481 . . . . .
Consumer Staples 1196.663 588.4617 2.03 0.042 43.29937 2350.027
Utilities 0 (omitted)
Fiscalyear -.9087247 .2366973 -3.84 0.000 -1.372643 -.4448066
_cons 1960.058 488.021 4.02 0.000 1003.554 2916.561
Note: 618 failures and 230 successes completely determined.
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