Hello all,

Here is a snippet of the data I am working with:

* Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex
input double secid long(datadate exdate) str2 cp_flag double strike_price
101062 13535 13595 "C"  40000
101535 13535 13595 "P"  30000
101121 13535 13595 "P"  35000
101508 13535 13595 "P"  55000
101375 13535 13595 "P"  60000
102113 13535 13595 "C"  10000
102349 13535 13595 "P" 120000
102349 13535 13595 "C" 125000
103879 13535 13595 "P"  70000
104229 13535 13595 "P"  35000
104059 13535 13595 "P"  25000
108065 13535 13595 "P"  20000
105700 13535 13595 "P"  55000
105971 13535 13595 "P"  35000
106638 13535 13595 "P"  70000
106595 13535 13595 "C"  45000
110357 13535 13595 "P"  22500
108965 13535 13595 "P" 120000
108965 13535 13595 "C" 120000
107747 13535 13595 "C"  70000
format %td datadate
format %td exdate
label var secid "Security ID" 
label var datadate "The Date of this Price" 
label var exdate "Expiration Date of the Option" 
label var cp_flag "C=Call, P=Put" 
label var strike_price "Strike Price of the Option Times 1000"

I would like to be able to create pairs based on having the same "datadate", same "exdate", same "strike_price", but a different "cp_flag" (one observation in the pair has a cp_flag equal to "C" and the other to "P"). If I am unable to create this pair, I would like to drop these observations. Those anyone know how I can do that?
