
I have a large dataset (27 vars, 1,048,575 obs) that contains data on malaria insecticide treated nets (ITNs) distributed at antenatal care (ANC) visits per facility over a 3 year period (2019-2021). I am looking to create a new variable of “ANC Issuing Rate” that includes the numerator [sum of ITNs distributed between 2019-2021] divided by the denominator [sum ANC registrants in 2019-2021] grouped per facility. Overall, I am looking to get one issuing rate per facility for the total time period.

I have tried to use this code below. It is creating a rate for each row (ie a rate for each month) but it is not grouping this rate by facility and by the 3 years. I have included a reduced dataset and how I wish the final data to appear. I very much appreciate any and all guidance on this topic!

bysort facility: gen anc_grouped= ITN_Distributed/ ANC_Registrants

(This is my first time here so I also appreciate feedback on posting etiquette for future posts)