Hello. I am trying to replicate a figure from the code I got from the authors of a paper.
When I run the code
scatter indexcc indexlc indexnv date, ms(oh th sh) clcolor(black black black) mcolor(black black black)
xtitle(Year) ytitle("") connect(l l l) xlabel(1990(2)2002) ylabel(80(20)140) yscale(range(75 140))
title(Figure 2) subtitle(Assessing the Validity of the Counterfactual)
t2title(House Price Indices For Single Family Residences 1990-2002) legend(order(1 2 3) col(1)
label(1 "Churchill County -- microdata") label(2 "Lyon County -- microdata")
label(3 "State of Nevada -- OFHEO")) || line vcc1 vcc2 date, clpattern(dash dash) clcolor(gs13 gs13)
My "Xtitle" command returns an error: unrecognized command.
Error message below.
'command xtitle is unrecognized'
I have searched and looked at the stata guide and cannot spot my error. I would be grateful for any assistance. Thank you.
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