Hello everyone, I apologize in advance if my questions seem incredibly dull. Trying to teach myself STATA before I get to grad school as someone who's brain is very much not made for handling statistics.
So trying to understand how to perform a logistic regression using Stata. Using this data set from PEW:https://www.pewresearch.org/social-t...panel-wave-68/.
I thought it might be interesting to see if mask wearing can be explained by partisanship, knowledge of health risk (using variables living in a metropolitan area, age, for risk level, and educational level, and how closely they follow the news for knowledge), and income (because I'm thinking this would affect access to resources/masks?).
I recoded my variables of interest into dichotomous variables. And then when I run my models, the Pseudo R2 value seems to imply that with each model, the explanatory power increases, but when I try to check Homer and Lemeshow's fit, my model is super not a good fit. Any tips? Am I setting up this model correctly? Here is my code: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1...iZwftf5VE/edit
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