Dear Statalist,
I have the following dataset showing each person each day working multiple shifts. For instance, the first row means the id1 day1 shift1 lasts for 20 minutes.
I want to generate a duration lag variable showing the working duration of the previous shift of the same day (as shown by the last variable durationlag)
input byte(id date shift duration durationlag)
1 1 1 20 .
1 1 1 20 .
1 2 1 30 .
1 2 2 50 30
2 1 1 60 .
2 1 1 60 .
2 1 2 70 60
2 1 2 70 60
I treid the following code but it does not work well.
gen durationlag=.
bys id date : replace durationlag=duration[_n-1]
bys id date shift: replace durationlag=durationlag[_n-1]
Can someone give me some advice?
Thank you very much.
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