Dear all,

I am writing to ask for help in using macro variables in loops.

My code is something as follows. The reason I define a global ind_var is that I want to use different sets of ind_var so that I can just uncomment one of them and comment the rest to reuse the program.

However it does not seem to work - stata seems to ignore `type' in the regression.

Anyone know how to get this to work? or is it not possible to use macro variables in loop? Any advice or comment is highly appreciated.

global controls control1 control2 control3
global ind_var iv1`type' iv2`type' iv3`type' iv4`type'
*global ind_var iv1`type' iv2`type' iv3`type'
*global ind_var iv1`type' iv2`type' iv5`type'
*global ind_var iv1`type' iv2`type' iv6`type'

foreach type in type1 type2 type3 type4{
reg dv $ind_var $controls, fe