I'm using stata 15.

I have a list of categorical variables for which I'd like to obtain info on a second variable (say, Y)- by level of categorical variable X.

For instance- I want to examine frequencies of the different level of variables such as gender, year in school (freshman, sophomore, junior, senior) etc on a second categorical variable Y e.g. 'how many interviews have you had?- 0, 1, 2, more than 2'.

Individually the code is as simple as:
 bysort gender: tab interview_no
bysort internationa: tab interview_no
But it gets cumbersome doing the same thing when you have tons of variables to run the same analyses for on the SAME second variable Y.

I thought to use the foreach macro and bysort...as follows
 local y code_interv
local demoglist  gender international edlevel bigtech ///

foreach var of varlist `demoglist'{
bysort `var': tab `y'
But what this code does is go down the entire line of variables in the demographic list (demoglist) and provide a result for Y
e.g. for gender =0, international =0 edlevel = 1 bigtech=0 etc..... Y = 0 = W%
for for gender =0, international =0 edlevel = 1 bigtech=0 etc..... Y = 1= Z % ETC

and then..
e.g. for gender =0, international =1 edlevel = 1 bigtech=0 etc..... Y = 0 = W%
for for gender =0, international =1 edlevel = 1 bigtech=0 etc..... Y = 1= Z % ETC

and on and on. Not what am looking for.

What I really want is a simplified code like the first-- i.e. just frequencies for each demographic variable separately (as in simple code #1 above); but not frequencies for Y, based on a combination of the Xs.

How do I rewrite the code (to group variables) such that I can obtain results consistent with the first simple code?

Im certain Stata has a way to accomplish this; I just dont know how. Please help.