Hello, I am currently working on applying the Synthetic control method on Stata. To resume my work, I am looking to estimate the effect of EU accession on the Food Production index of a country (that integrated EU in 2004).

I have one outcome variable (food production index) and five other predictor variables. I have one treated country and 12 control countries in my donor pool.

However, I am facing a problem when I am running the placebo test. I would like to exclude countries that have poor pre-intervention RMSPE in my placebo test. For instance, I would like to exclude countries, in my donor pool, that have a pre-intervention RMSPE of more than 5 times higher than the RMPSE of my treated country. Could someone help me get the graphical result of this placebo test?

Here is the coding of my synthetic control function
[tsset ID Time

tempfile keepfile

synth_runner FPI2 realGDPpercap valAddAgri perAgriland Ruralpop EmployAgri shareGrossCap, trunit(1) trperiod(2004) trends gen_vars keep(`keepfile ')]