str50 year str27 state str29 district long regno str110 donortype str109 double amount
"2009-2010" "New york" "A & N Island" 240020003 "Institutional donors" 1738584
"2009-2010" "New york" "A & N Island" 240020003 "Institutional donors" 206663
"2010-2011" New york "A & N Island" 240020003 "Institutional donors" 293930
"2010-2011" "New york" "A & N Island" 240020003 "Institutional donors" 1692164
"2019-2020" "New york" "A & N Island" 240020003 "Institutional donors" 38579
"2019-2020" "New york" "A & N Island" 240020003 "Institutional donors" 988067

I am interested in adding "amount" together for the same "regno" (unique value) for each year. I am hoping to generate new dataset which has summed amount for each regno for each year.
Thanks so much in advance!