I have several models with (three-way) interactions terms, some of them are manually coded. I am searching for a way to display regression coefficients that basically represent the same variable combination next to each other (atm I am trying this with esttab, perhaps there is another approach to achieve this). I found that the essential point is to access how Stata labels estimates in the background and to change this. I accessed a matrix of estimates and made some changes to its column names. Via erepost I substituted new column names. Still this approach is only working for continuous variables. Dummy or factor variable seem to be coded in a very different way. It would be so great to see corresponding coefficients next to each other.

// data
sysuse auto, clear

// interaction model 1
regress price c.mpg##c.mpg##foreign
estimates store interaction1
// interaction model 2
gen mpg_mpg_foreign = mpg*mpg*foreign
gen mpg_mpg = mpg*mpg
gen mpg_foreign = mpg*foreign
regress price mpg mpg_mpg foreign mpg_foreign mpg_mpg_foreign

* store estimation results in matrix b
mat b=e(b)
* access all colnames in the matrix b
local colnames: colnames b
* substitute particular string in colnames list
local colnames : subinstr local colnames "mpg_mpg" "c.mpg#c.mpg", all
local colnames : subinstr local colnames "mpg_foreign" "foreign#c.mpg", all
* local colnames : subinstr local colnames "foreign " "1.foreign", all

* rename matrix colnames with new local list
matrix colname b = `colnames'

* replace all estimates with erepost package
capt prog drop replace_b
program replace_b, eclass
erepost b= b, rename

estimates store interaction2  

// make table
esttab interaction1 interaction2, nobaselevels
esttab interaction1 interaction2, nobaselevels label

Thank you so much.