Hi everyone. So I have been trying to use -est sto- for saving my regression results. But it could only save one or two results. Basically, I am trying to perform a chow test for the following regressions.
areg logdefincome logurbanisation RO_3 RO5 mar time if CASTE=n [aweight=weight], absorb(STATEID) cluster(STATE_DISTID)
Here, n takes 4 values from (Brahmin 1, Upper Caste 2, OBC 3, Dalit 4). I am trying to test a hypothesis on whether the coefficients of logurbanisation are statistically different from each other. Which I have understood I could do using -test- from another post on this forum.
However, since my Hypothesis needs to test: H0: B(Brahmin)=B(Upper Caste)=B(OBC)= B(Dalit)
Hi: if not
Here B() represents the coefficient of logurbanisation for different groups (Brahmin, OBC, etc.).

When I use -est sto Brahmin-, I am only able to save up to two results. Which I reproduce using -suest- and test for significance using -test-.

What could be the solution to this problem?
Also, the dataset is the same only the groups are different. Is conducting a chow test the best solution for testing my hypothesis??

Edit 1: I am using STATA 16.1