I am estimating the following IVProbit model:
ivprobit Car_sales Car_colour Car_age (Car_user = Car_user_year_of_birth), vce(cluster state)
I use the command "Predict" to get the predicted probabilities. However, the predicted probabilities are higher than 1 and smaller than zero (see below).
Could you please advice me how I can get the correct predicted probabilities of Car_sales?
Thank you.
. predict test | |||
(option xb assumed; fitted values) | |||
(47 missing values generated) | |||
. sum test | |||
Variable Obs Mean | Std. Dev. | Min | Max |
test 1,202 .200109 | .8899604 | -4.319162 | 3.000599 |
0 Response to Predict IVProbit
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