Apologies I am asking a very basic question as I am having trouble with it. For instance in my example data as an illustration, I want to conduct a PSM on the presence of dyslipidemia in NASH (just doing it for example

psmatch2 gender1m0f racec0m1i2o3 bmibinary, pscore() outcome(dyslipidemia1y0n) caliper(.001) noreplace neighbor(1)
gen pair = _id if _treated==0
replace pair = _n1 if _treated==1
bysort pair: egen paircount = count(pair)
drop if paircount !=2
Next I tabulated the data, and the output is attached below:
tabulate dyslipidemia1y0n gender1m0f
My Question: May I what do I put into the mcci calculator? is it mcci 45 51 46 40?

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