Dear All,

I am mostly an R user. But since I have not found a way yet to reproduce generalised residuals in R (link), I am using Stata for my estimation.

The jist is as follows: I run an oprobit on my ordinal EEV, I get the generalised residual (apparently that is just one residual per observation, instead of on per level?). I add the residual with the EEV in the second stage. And finally I calculate the AME/APE.

ordinal_var is an ordinal variable with four levels
depvar is the dependent variable with values ranging between (and including) 0 and 1.

 oprobit ordinal_var instrumentalvar1 instrumentalvar2
  drop residual
  predict residual, score
  fracreg logit depvar i.ordinal_var residual, vce(robust)
One reason I am posting this, is because I was a little bit surprised about the output from margins(ordinal_var). Everything looks a little bit weird. Crazy significant, but there is hardly any difference in the effect of all of the levels. Also, I was kind of expecting three marginal effects and not 4.

Could anyone let me know if there is anything wrong with my code?

                   |                Delta-method
                   |    Margin     Std. Err.    z     P>|z|        [95% Conf. Interval]
                0  |   .8752151   .0098138    89.18   0.000     .8559803    .8944498
                1  |   .8434355   .0045137    186.86  0.000     .8345888    .8522822
                2  |   .8412551   .0091412    92.03   0.000     .8233386    .8591716
                3  |   .8268829   .0203199    40.69   0.000     .7870567    .8667091


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Wooldridge,JM. (2014) Quasi-maximum likelihood estimation and testing for nonlinear models with endogenous explanatory variables. Journal of Econometrics Volume 182, Issue 1, September 2014, Pages 226-234