Update: Title should refer to -reshape- not -collapse-

I've performed a collapse to obtain a number of statistics (such as the mean and sd) for a list of assets. I then -reshape-d wide using a variable with seven categories as my j() giving me e.g. x_asset1 ... asset7 - which I want to use to create some ratios, such as:
gen asset_p1c = x_asset3 / (x_asset2 + x_asset3)  
gen asset_p2c = x_asset4 / (x_asset2 + x_asset4)  
gen asset_noc = x_asset1 / (x_asset1 + x_asset2)
However, as I have numerous assets and ratios, this would be more efficient using a loop - however, I believe I need to separate the value label (associated with the categorical variable used in j() for the reshape) to move from asset1 ... asset7 to asset_1 ... asset_7 - to do something like:
local list bank super prop
local suffix p1c p2c noc  // refers to type of ratio
foreach v of local list {
    foreach s of local suffix {

gen `v'_`s' = x_`v'_3 / (x_`v'_2 + x_`v'_3)   // ratio 1
gen `v'_`s' = x_`v'_4 / (x_`v'_2 + x_`v'_4)   // ratio 2
gen `v'_`s' = x_`v'_1 / (x_`v'_1 + x_`v'_2)   // ratio 3
I'm away from my data right now but can provide a data sample later if needed.

Stata v.15.1. Using panel data.